You may have noticed on our website that we emphasize being rooted. Our hashtag for the school is #rooted, and a part of our motto is being rooted in Christ, quality education, and traditional skills. Being rooted is very important to us as a school, and not just because we are located at an actual blueberry hill.

    Being rooted is more than just an agricultural term for us. It is a spiritual and educational term for us, as well. We believe that without being rooted in Christ, we will not be able to face everything that life throws at us. We need a deep relationship with Him and so do our kids. They need a strong root system that is built on Christ, so they can stand strong no matter what they face.

    Educationally, we want the kids who attend the School at Blueberry Hill to receive a quality education that works with them. We want to create a school environment that is fun, while helping each child reach their full educational potential.

    Agriculturally, we seek to teach the students at Blueberry Hill traditional skills that are no longer passed down like they used to be. We believe that these skills not only prepare our students for the future, but they provide a fun way to learn and build character.

All in all, #rooted is not simply a fun play-on-words. It is so much more than that. It encompasses what we want the School at Blueberry Hill to stand for, and ourselves. We want to encourage and teach every student who walks through our doors to be deeply rooted in Christ. Our prayer is that as each of us becomes rooted in Christ, and even traditional skills, we will see a generation of deeply rooted believers.  

“Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

Colossians 2:6-7 (ESV)


            The Holy Bible. English Standard Version, Crossway, 2001.