Time to Boycott Scholastic Books | Guest: Kirk Cameron | Ep 906

Welcome to the blog of the School at Blueberry Hill! We are so glad you have decided to join us; whether you have a child attending the school or are simply someone who likes the sound of the school. We are excited to embark on this journey and bring you little snippets through this blog!

    As we begin, we wanted to share the previous video with you by Allie Beth Stuckey. Our founder came across this video and shared it with the staff at Blueberry Hill because it emphasizes why we wanted to establish the School at Blueberry Hill. We all wanted a different way to school kids than the traditional public or private school. We wanted to be able to ensure the things our kids were learning and taking in were based on Biblical truths, not what the mainstream world says. We wanted our kids to be able to experience a different type of learning, one that goes back to our roots both figuratively and literally. Thus, the School at Blueberry Hill was born.

    You may ask, “Why not just homeschool your kids?” Well, we want to build a community where our kids are able to interact with other kids while learning traditional skills like how to grow seeds and milk a cow. We recognize the importance of community in each of our lives and the lives of our kids. Therefore, we wanted to offer this to other parents who want the same for their kids.

    We do want to stress that we are in no way demonizing the public or private school system. We know there is still good happening within the school system, but we, also, recognize that it is broken. We know some people are unable or not quite ready to step into homeschooling or even a school like Blueberry Hill. It is not for everyone. However, we have chosen to step away from the public school system because we want to be more involved in the education of our kids. We can have  peace of mind that we know what they are being taught.

    With that said, we welcome you to the School at Blueberry Hill and our blog! We are excited about this next journey and where the Lord will lead us. We are grateful for how we have already seen the Lord working in and through the School at Blueberry Hill, and we are excited for you to join us. Welcome!


            “Time to Boycott Scholastic Books.” YouTube, uploaded by Allie Beth Stuckey, 13 Nov. 2023, www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dFfIjwBwE0.